Am I a Republican?
This question is more easily answered than one would think. Republicans simply believe in a few over-arching ideals such as limited government, lower taxes, liberty, and adherence to the Constitution.
So, ok. What is meant by that? More specifically, “limited government” means that the government closest to the people is the most effective and the easiest to control by the people. So, your school board elections and county commissioner elections are IMPORTANT! Those elections affect you the most. With these you are likely electing people you know or people who would be easily met. They are your neighbors. Your vote matters to them. Your pothole issue matters to them. Once we start abdicating local and state matters to the federal government, our local control is quickly removed. Try calling D.C. about what your kid is being taught in school or about the development in your neighborhood.
We don’t like big, sprawling bureaucracies just for that reason. Here in Martin County, you may think going to our local DMV is a breeze especially if you’ve ever had to endure accomplishing anything at a D.C. or New York facility. We don’t like being a number especially when it comes to vitally important and personal issues like healthcare.
Republicans hate waste. We believe in a hand up, not a hand-out. We believe in a strong safety net for those in our society who are in real need. We believe that the right to work builds character and confidence in individuals. We do not want our sweat and toil frivolously spent on give-away programs to those who would better benefit from employment. We believe the more taxes are given to the government, the more they will find to spend them on. The government should supply us with the best military so we are protected, and a good infrastructure. Other than that, you know best what to spend your hard-earned dollars on…so you keep them!
We believe in liberty. The right for you to choose your destiny. We believe that ALL people regardless of race, religion or sex are born equal. And, that they should all have the right to work as hard as they feel they must to achieve goals they have set for themselves. We DO NOT believe in equity as an end unto itself. All people are not equally talented or equally intelligent. Therefore, programs such as Affirmative Action are not a fulfillment of liberty. The government is taking away someone else’s liberty in an attempt to artificially give equity to another.
We believe the liberties offered in our Constitution are offered to all citizens of these United States. But, ONLY to our citizens. We cannot, no matter how much we would like, adopt the entire world. Yes, this county grew on immigration and that diversity helped us in every way. We believe in legal immigration for that reason. However, it must be controlled so that we are not inviting undesirable people who would harm us.
Therefore, we also believe in your right to bear arms. You have the right to protect your life, the lives of those you love and to protect your hard-earned property! And, if push comes to shove, you may even be called on to protect your country from an invading enemy. How would you do that without being armed?
We believe in the sanctity of human life. We believe the choice of whether to abort a human baby should be avoided at all costs. With the easy availability of contraception, personal responsibility must come into play. At the very least in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the mother’s life, a personal decision between the parents and the doctor should be respected. But, NEVER, should the taxpayer be burdened with paying for abortions.
We believe in the constitution as an underlying framework for our government. We do not believe that it is a “living” document that should be tweaked at every whim. Our Constitution is a keystone to our liberty and to the greatest experiment known to man. Therefore, to Republicans it is absolutely sacred.
If you agree with these concepts…YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN. WELCOME!