Fundamentally Changed

 It looks like the USA has been Fundamentally Changed.

Barry O. said he wanted to “fundamentally change America.”

Joe Biden, as his VP, certainly followed suit during his turn as President. Between their two terms of the presidency was The Donald's turn. He wiped out much of the damage done by Barry and The Vegetable Man during Barry's two terms.

Now we find out that John Taylor Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down must have been their bible as they sure have passed laws and executive orders designed to do so. Before Jimmy Carter gave us a Department of Education, our students were in the top 10 of the developed world. Now we're near the middle. And this decrease began prior to the so-called pandemic, so this fact cannot be blamed on COVID-19.

It is a similar story with science and reading.

Take a look at the fact that colleges are not routinely requiring SAT or ACT testing any longer. New York State no longer awards achieving students a Regents Diploma. The scandal of heads at Ivy League colleges involving plagiarism and worse is starting to die down. Swept under the rug?

Now we must quickly and seriously attend to a most dangerous dumbing down. I mean the requirements for Air Traffic Controllers.

We have learned of the routine staffing problems. The mid-air crash at the DC airport - reportedly the busiest in the nation - has made us aware that the requirements have been quite relaxed. It seems as though merit and competence have been replaced with DEI. One controller was expected to perform the task of two that fateful night. Competent controllers were let go due to their refusal to “get the shots.” Even as we know a president cannot make laws – that is the appointed constitutional duty of the Legislature. He legally may NOT mandate such a thing – even worse since they do not protect citizens from COVID-19 or anything else.

If we are still allowed to pray to God, let's do so and help Trump in any other way possible!

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This information is an editorial and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee


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